Welcome to my sanctuary

I am a lucid dreamer/astral traveler. I'm starting this blog as a way to record my experiences and dreams and use them as a tool to learn and grow. I have had many fantastical experiences that I would describe as meeting up with the divine.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Working with chakras during astral projection

This was an experience from a couple of days go.  I was able to very easily project in to the 'black space.'  I felt an intense vibration in the area of the root chakra.  This actually happens to me frequently, and I have always found it to be very distracting.  This time, though I decided to focus on that and to see what it would be like to open up and get all of my chakras spinning.  I started with the root chakra and worked through each of them until I felt them all spinning.  It was quite a sensation!  I had trouble getting much out of my solar plexus and heart chakras, though, so I have some work to do there.


  1. hello Angela I am on astralpulse too and saw you have this blog. It is nice to read about your experiences. I had to comment on this one because I was just working with my chakras today. All of them seemed to be ok except I was surprised that my heart and throat chakras didn't appear clear. I am thinking that I should try to visualize the corresponding colors to send to them what do your think?

  2. Hello! I'm far from a chakra expert, although your idea sounds good. Also, the heart chakra is associated with pink and green and the throat chakra blue, so it might be beneficial to be around those colors. Also, consider what the chakras represent and think about things in your life they could be related to. ~Angela
