Welcome to my sanctuary

I am a lucid dreamer/astral traveler. I'm starting this blog as a way to record my experiences and dreams and use them as a tool to learn and grow. I have had many fantastical experiences that I would describe as meeting up with the divine.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Cards with numbers and symbols

This was one of my favorite astral projection experiences and also one of my first conscious projections from over a year ago.

I had been having many projection experiences up to this point where I always seemed to end up at different elementary schools.  Some of those were interesting too, but this time when I arrived at yet another school, I asked "why do I keep going to these schools?"  I found myself turning over and looking up at the ceiling where there was a ceiling fan.  The fan spun around and suddenly a white card with the black number 3 and a crescent moon appeared.  Then, the fan spun around and and a white card with the black number 5 with the word divine written on the appeared.

It would be many months before I would discover what this meant to me (every 5 waning crescent moons, I would have a deeply meaningful spiritual event, and this happened 3 times).

Saturday, April 16, 2011

My first conscious projection experience

I don't have anything new to write about, but I want to start putting down some of my older experiences.  My first conscious projection was a little over a year ago.  Before that, I had hundreds of astral projection experiences.  Most of these, I didn't want, because I did not know what was happening, and they were terrifying.  About 20-some years ago, I was quite depressed.  I would lie down somewhere to take a nap, and soon I would feel like something was lifting me up in the air.  I would feel a presence with me, and I would be too afraid to open my 'eyes.'  I would sometimes feel like I was being raped, and it would be very difficult to come out of that state.  I interpreted this as something evil coming to get me.  There is a lot more background on why my experiences would come out like this, but I won't go into this right now.

To get back to this experience, I had been searching for life's 'answers' for the past couple of years, but now had begun in earnest.  I had begun meditating and found it somewhat frustrating to quiet the mind but kept practicing, because I was finally beginning to see/feel the benefits.  One, afternoon, I was trying to nap again.  I felt that 'floating up' feeling and then a presence with me.  My first reaction was fear, but I managed to overcome that this time, and I simply asked who are you?  To my great surprise, a man appeared in front of me.  He was beautiful; and, with him came this feeling of peacefulness and love.  I felt this energy wrap itself around me.  I asked in my mind for him to take my hand, and he did.  This faded, and I found myself back in my bed filled with awe and amazement of what I had just experienced.

The next day, I began to look for answers to what had just happened for me.  I was not sure what it was that I had just experienced (I had heard the term astral projection before but did not know what it was), so that made it difficult.  I decided to go to the 'source.'  I started meditating, and I didn't have to meditate for long.  I felt myself float up, and  up, and up.  I found myself in a large blue empty room, but I felt this same presence with me.  I felt the energy wrap itself around me again.  Then, I felt as if he was flying me across the room, stopping just short of a while.  Then flying down toward the floor but stopping just short of the floor.  We stopped, and I felt this immense energy and love with me.  A basic exercise in trust.

Monday, April 11, 2011

New guide

This projection was actually quite lengthy.  Unfortunately, I didn't bother to write it down right away, instead deciding to go to sleep.

During the projection, I felt an energy with me.  This felt like a very gentle and loving energy, and I asked who it was.  He answered something that started with "Fr..." but I could not understand.  When I asked again, he simply said "Shiny."  He seemed very keen in working with me, and he showed me a few places, but I cannot remember them well enough to describe in any detail.  This will teach me to start writing things down immediately.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Akashic records/past life?

This is from one of my older experiences that I was inspired to blog about today.

I projected with the intent to find out about a past life; any past life.  I felt guide energy with me this time, and I stated "show me a past life that will be helpful to me."  I was led to this 3D set of what looked like an average late-1940s to early 1950s home.  There was an early 50s style car parked in the house.  There was the dad sitting in the living room watching TV.  I was aware of 4 or 5 children in the home.  They were all moving around normally, oblivious to my presence.  I went into the kitchen where the mother and 2 little girls were.  I knelt down by one of them knowing that was "me."  I heard "She died 42 hours later."  I asked why I would choose to live a life where I would die so young.  I heard "to learn about the 4Cs."  Unfortunately, I did not think to ask another question, and I'm not sure what the 4Cs are yet, although I believe they are along the lines of caring, compassion, etc.

I didn't even hit me until a few months later that my mom had 4 brothers and sisters.  One of her younger sisters passed away at about age 1-1/2, which was about the age of this little girl.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Tunnels, glass house/building and deep water

This afternoon, I had a lot of projections.   Since my shamanism workshop a while back, I have been attempting to find/use a tunnel to journey to the underworld.  I used the intention to find my power animal before starting out.  I found myself going down very fast surrounded in black.  When I stopped moving, I looked back, I saw that I had come out of a cave.  I was in and out of projection and found it hard to maintain focus today.  At one point, I was in a body of water and found a pipe under water that I was going to use for a tunnel, but I became stuck on the thought of not being able to breathe under water.

On my last projection today, I was headed across this body of water toward a small island with a house/building made entirely of glass.  The only thing in this house was 1 chair.  I focused on the house and intended to investigate it, but I suddenly turned down toward the water.  As I went into the water, I became fearful (I have a fear of deep water) and brought myself back out.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

University and bright green grid/net

I have been trying to catch up on my experiences here, and so most of my latest posts have been about experiences that happened a week or two ago.  This one was from a few days ago.

I felt myself going upward quickly and found myself at a gigantic University.  It seemed to go on forever.  There were a lot of people walking around with books.  All of the rooms and hallways were very large and made of stone.  It was quite beautiful.  In the past, when I have gone to schools, they were always preschools and elementary schools, so maybe this means that I am advancing in some sort of knowledge.  Anyway, when I found myself at this school, I wasn't sure what to do next, and I thought of my dad (my dad taught at universities since I was a very young child, and he passed away a couple of years ago), and I tried to find him there.  I searched through many rooms but never came across him.  I was hoping that my thoughts of him would attract him to me.  I did this for quite a while but then gave up.

At that point, I felt myself going up again into a black space for a while.  When I stopped moving and looked up, there was a vast bright green grid/net above me.  I looked at it and simply thought "I guess I can't go any further."  Usually, I am much more adventurous in my travels, and I could have kicked myself for not attempting to go through.  Who knows what lies beyond? :)

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Shamanic extraction experience

I had an interesting astral projection experience the other day.  After my wizard/healing experience a while back, I had been asking many questions of myself about that experience.  This was an answer to some of my questions.

The first part I do not remember well, but I came across a person who had something on them that did not belong in their energy field.  It was a black 'blob' with 2 eyes and lots of legs.  I knew that I should remove it, so I picked it up.  Then I realized I did not know what to do with this thing now that I was holding it.  I found it very easy to show it love and send it on its way.

In retrospect, if I had been 'prepared,' I could have thought of better ways to deal with this, but not a bad start.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Working with chakras during astral projection

This was an experience from a couple of days go.  I was able to very easily project in to the 'black space.'  I felt an intense vibration in the area of the root chakra.  This actually happens to me frequently, and I have always found it to be very distracting.  This time, though I decided to focus on that and to see what it would be like to open up and get all of my chakras spinning.  I started with the root chakra and worked through each of them until I felt them all spinning.  It was quite a sensation!  I had trouble getting much out of my solar plexus and heart chakras, though, so I have some work to do there.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Who am I...the answer

This was probably my most profound experience to date, and it seemed to open up something deep inside.  Life will never be the same.

I had attended a shamanism retreat in January, and since that time, I have asking during all of my meditations and before attempting to journey, "who am I?"  It was about a month later, in February, the day before this experience, I was able to journey and felt guide energy, and so I asked this guide directly, "Who am I?  Can you show me?"  He answered "not today." LOL...I was a little stunned, because usually when I as a guide or dream character, I either get a a positive answer or a cryptic one.  I had never been flatly turned down :), so I decided just to accept the answer and move on.

The next day, I asked that question before meditating.  It was only a few minutes before I felt myself being pulled  out of my body.  I felt myself flying upwards.  I just kept going up very fast.  I found myself in a bright white room.  I was looking down at a wizard who looked very much like Gandalf from Lord of the Rings with white long hair and long beard dressed in brilliant white (minus a pointy hat).  I came to him and stood before him and knew this was my moment.  I said "Who am I?"  He replied "Of course you would want to know that, especially after what happened yesterday."  I took yesterday to mean several things....the guide who would not tell me the day before.  Also, the helpless feeling I had the day before coming across a severely injured raccoon and being unable to do anything to help him.  Also, yesterday meaning these past couple of years that I have been spiritually searching and all that has happened during this time.

Anyway, at that point, the wizard turned abruptly and said "let's go.  We've been waiting for you."  At this point he was wearing an old fashioned leather helmet and leather jacket. He took off quickly, and I found myself in a vast bright white 'auto shop' with shiny new cars and motorcycles.  We wove around them and came to another room.  Suddenly, this guide stepped back to watch me as I looked down on this table.  There was 2 little boys standing around the table.  Lying on the table was a little girl with dark skin and dark hair and eyes.  Her body was twisted grotesquely, broken, and I could tell she was 'dying.'  She was looking up at me with big eyes.  I felt this horrible helpless feeling come over me, feeling as if there was nothing I could do.  I decided I had to do 'something', at least provide comfort.  I reached out to her to touch her arm, and suddenly, I felt this guide come up behind me, and I felt the most powerful energy running through me.  There are no suitable words I know of in the English language to describe this, but it included in it so much love.  If I had felt the power of this standing in my physical body, I think it would have knocked me off my feet.  I felt all of this emotion coming through me.  I felt this girl under my hands began to heal and sit up.  I began sobbing and crying "thank you, thank you," because I think I have been given a most wonderful gift, and feeling this girl healing made me so happy.

It was at that point, I was so emotional, I could not maintain my focus any longer.  I had to go into hibernation  after this experience for a while, and since this time, my journeys have been almost daily.  That, in itself is a wonderful gift.