Welcome to my sanctuary

I am a lucid dreamer/astral traveler. I'm starting this blog as a way to record my experiences and dreams and use them as a tool to learn and grow. I have had many fantastical experiences that I would describe as meeting up with the divine.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010


This afternoon during meditation, I first saw the colors orange and yellow flash by and felt a guide with me. I was taken to an ‘office’ and was shown some paperwork with the name “Karla Kala.” Then I was taken to a place where we were sitting on some sort of scaffolding type structure way up high. I turned to this guide. I noticed right away that his face had some sort of acne or something like that covering it. He had brown tousled hair and a mustache. He was dressed in construction type clothing. I asked him his name, and I heard something like “Metatrondish.” I asked him to repeat, and he laughed and said the same thing. I asked him if I could just call him ‘Mete’ lol. Then, I suddenly found myself falling fast, and I called to him and found myself being lifted back up again. I thanked him and then woke up.

I decided this evening to just google the name I thought I heard, and I found reference to an angel by the name, Metatron...could it be? :)

Saturday, August 14, 2010

My Energy

Before I fell asleep last night, I felt my guide's presence very strongly. I felt totally and completely loved...the energy around me was so strong. I told him I wanted to 'BE' the love that I felt. I also felt him on and off throughout most of the night.

Then, I had a really long dream just before I got up this morning. I don't remember a lot of it. What I do remember is that the neighbors had some pet rabbits that they were being very cruel to, and I was trying to figure out how to save them (rabbit is one of my totem animals). Then, there is a huge blank space....

The end of the dream I remember clearly, though. There was a large group of people outdoors (like at a picnic or something), none of who I knew. There was a man sitting on a bench and I was standing several feet away. He was talking about how he could tell if people had good intentions and such by reading their energy. Then there was something inside me that told me to 'try.' So, purposefully started 'pushing' my energy outward (and I felt it...felt very strong to me). With that, I felt the same powerful love I recieve from spirit. The man on the bench feels this and looks right at me and says "wow!" I smile and feel a little embarressed and tell him I'm so sorry, I'm trying to bring my energy back in, and I did that too (that was more difficult that pushing it out).

That was it :)

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Dream of spirit flying into my mouth

I came upon a scene in a bathroom where there were two people torturing another one. Then there is a part I cannot remember. I just remember that the spirit (a tiny white dot of light) of the person being tortured flew out to escape, and the other two followed. For some reason, we mutually agreed that the escaped spirit could hide in my mouth (lol), and I spent a long time trying to find a place where the spirit could live.  That was a short one, but weird.