Welcome to my sanctuary

I am a lucid dreamer/astral traveler. I'm starting this blog as a way to record my experiences and dreams and use them as a tool to learn and grow. I have had many fantastical experiences that I would describe as meeting up with the divine.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

University and bright green grid/net

I have been trying to catch up on my experiences here, and so most of my latest posts have been about experiences that happened a week or two ago.  This one was from a few days ago.

I felt myself going upward quickly and found myself at a gigantic University.  It seemed to go on forever.  There were a lot of people walking around with books.  All of the rooms and hallways were very large and made of stone.  It was quite beautiful.  In the past, when I have gone to schools, they were always preschools and elementary schools, so maybe this means that I am advancing in some sort of knowledge.  Anyway, when I found myself at this school, I wasn't sure what to do next, and I thought of my dad (my dad taught at universities since I was a very young child, and he passed away a couple of years ago), and I tried to find him there.  I searched through many rooms but never came across him.  I was hoping that my thoughts of him would attract him to me.  I did this for quite a while but then gave up.

At that point, I felt myself going up again into a black space for a while.  When I stopped moving and looked up, there was a vast bright green grid/net above me.  I looked at it and simply thought "I guess I can't go any further."  Usually, I am much more adventurous in my travels, and I could have kicked myself for not attempting to go through.  Who knows what lies beyond? :)

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