Welcome to my sanctuary

I am a lucid dreamer/astral traveler. I'm starting this blog as a way to record my experiences and dreams and use them as a tool to learn and grow. I have had many fantastical experiences that I would describe as meeting up with the divine.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Shamanic extraction experience

I had an interesting astral projection experience the other day.  After my wizard/healing experience a while back, I had been asking many questions of myself about that experience.  This was an answer to some of my questions.

The first part I do not remember well, but I came across a person who had something on them that did not belong in their energy field.  It was a black 'blob' with 2 eyes and lots of legs.  I knew that I should remove it, so I picked it up.  Then I realized I did not know what to do with this thing now that I was holding it.  I found it very easy to show it love and send it on its way.

In retrospect, if I had been 'prepared,' I could have thought of better ways to deal with this, but not a bad start.

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